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Moldavite: Indulge in Spirituality and Connect to Your Higher Self

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Created millions of years ago by the collision of meteorites, Moldavite belongs to the Tektite family. The rarest Crystal looks beautiful in dark green with moss and olive hues.

As Moldavite is filled with various metaphysical properties, the Crystal is also believed to have spiritual energies.

The Crystal holds so much energy as Moldavite has a higher frequency. The people or individuals who want to deepen their spiritual journeys and reach their higher selves prefer Moldavite.

This crystal helps to connect with the spiritual self, astral travel, and dream works and brings fertility and enhances the energy of other crystals. Moldavite is a support system for other crystals to work magically and powerfully. The most and best combination is with Malachite. As we all know, Malachite comes into our lives when we are in a massive transformation or about to come. Moldavite helps Malachite to magnify the vibration and brings more assertive energy to create fast and safe energy during transformation.

The individuals who usually visit anxiety therapists in Dubai due to stress and anxiety undergo Moldavite healing.

Want to know more about the only alien gemstone on Earth? Let’s explore the blog at a deeper level.

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Healing Properties of Moldavite

  • Moldavite is the best to create healthy cells in the body.
  • The Crystal helps in transforming behaviors.
  • Healers use Moldavite to eliminate emotions and clear the aura of any undesirable baggage from past life
  • It helps in spiritual awakening with its powerful energy
  • It lets connect you to your higher self, divine source, and spirit guides
  • Moldavite eliminates negative energy and helps you gain positivity.
  • The Crystal is excellent for healing and strengthening the eyes.
  • Individuals with gastric ailments should use Moldavite.
  • To enhance your mental clarity, Moldavite is the best.
  • The Crystal slows down the aging process.
  • Moldavite lets you go of the past traumas.
  • The Crystal helps in awakening psychic abilities.
  • Moldavite lets you connect with your higher self.
  • The Crystal is good for the heart chakra and third-eye chakra.

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How to Activate and Charge Moldavite?

Moldavite is easy to activate with a simple process. Let’s get into it and understand the process.

  • Cleansing

The first step is cleansing the Crystal. Moldavite can be cleaned in saltwater or spring water to remove all the negative energy. Dry it off and place it under the moonlight all night, or plant it under the ground and take it out in the morning.

Sunlight is a good source of cleansing the Crystal. Remember not to keep Moldavite under the harsh direct sunlight.

The other way to cleanse the Crystal is through singing bowls, tuning forks, and bells.

  • Energizing

Connecting Moldavite with nature is the best to energize the stone. So, keeping it attached to the Earth, you can meditate with the Crystal by setting true intentions.

  • Programming

Hold the Crystal in your left hand, close your eyes, set your intentions, and take deep breaths to perform a well-versed programming session. Visualize what you want with a belief in achieving your desire.

Feel the Crystal, focus on what your heart wants, and experience the power of Moldavite.

Manifest Spirituality with Moldavite

It helps in one’s awareness of a divine source, creates protection from negativity, helps a person go through massive changes quickly, and develops a sense of security and physical protection. It helps to communicate with other realms and guides with clarity when combined with different crystals.

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While doing any form of meditation (especially on a full moon), make sure to do the following.

  • Cleanse and Charge

Usually, all crystals are cleaned and Charged on Full moon night by keeping them overnight under whole moon night to get direct energy from the moon. Cleanse your crystals with Sea Saltwater or water rinse and keep them outside to nature to energize pure energy.

  • Set Your Intentions

The initial step to manifest spirituality, wealth, and the ability to connect with your higher with Moldavite or any crystal setting your intentions is a must. You must think of what you desire and remain focused on it with an immense belief.

  • Find a Peaceful Place and Meditate

To perform proper manifestation:

  1. Find a quiet and sacred place to sit with your Crystal to meditate without disturbance for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Sit comfortably and take deep breaths by closing your eyes and relaxing your mind, body, and soul.
  3. Hold in your hands and start focusing on your intentions.

Focus on your financial intentions, and visualize that you are wealthy. Visualize intensely and feel the emotions.

  • Journaling

Journaling your intentions and what you are about in your life will help you attract more abundance, the right people, and your soul team, which can work magically.

  • Affirmations

Affirm positivity during your transformation journey.

I am loved, protected, and aligned with my higher self.

I am so lucky everything is working out for me

I am creating new realities with my spirituality, and I welcome new energy

I am safe

Crystal will make you feel safe and give you the courage to a leap of faith for your manifestation and goals.

  • Express Gratitude

Thank the Universe for your wealth, abundance, and manifestations coming towards you.

  • Open Your Eyes Slowly

Please open your eyes, release the focus, and thank the Crystal for assistance.

That’s how you can manifest wealth and abundance. But remember that your belief and faith in your Crystal is a must. Without a robust belief system, you can’t manifest your desires.

Secondly, everyone must remember it’s a journey to attract anything in our life, but foremost is to work on our shadows, our demons inside, releasing old beliefs. Always embrace those moments of failure; learning above obstacles will not help you manifest every other step in your life. I am grateful Moldavite came into my life and works shield from other unknown, invisible territory of spirit guides.

The protective Crystal is the best for absorbing all the negative energies and clearing out the blockages in the solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, and crown chakra.

Mind healing consultants use Moldavite mostly in sound healing and Reiki Healing.

The healers use the Crystal to balance the chakras while performing reiki healing. Reiki healing transfers positive energy to the person by gently touching the sufferer.
So, using Moldavite in the reiki healing process helps balance the chakras, enhances the flow of energy, brings positivity, amplifies strengths and determination in the sufferer, and so on.

Healing professionals also use Moldavite during the process of sound healing. During sound healing, the mind healing consultants use instruments like gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, etc. Keeping Moldavite near these instruments enhances the vibrational quality of the sound.

The healers also place the Crystal on the specific chakras to promote a better alignment and harmonization of the energy centers.

So, Moldavite has incredible properties and benefits that can be experienced using one.

Life coaches or mind-healing consultants use the powerful Crystal to keep you from low confidence, hampered self-esteem, less strength, and many other issues.

Placing a Moldavite on your work table is the best to attract wealth and abundance.

So, if you want to experience the best manifestation through Moldavite and gain a solid connection with your higher self, connect with Prriti Parmaar, the life coach at Light Angelic, and feel the magic of Moldavite.


If you, too, want to connect with your higher self and spirituality, visit Prriti Parmaar, a calm, humble, and experienced life coach at Light Angelic, and encounter crystal healing followed by many other healing techniques,

  • Past Life Regression
  • New Moon Meditation
  • Full Moon Meditation
  • Eclipse Meditation
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Grounded Sea Meditation
  • Singing Sound Frequency Healing
  • Holistic Mind Healing
  • Reiki Balancing Chakras with Physical Pain
  • Rapid Transformation Therapy
  • Anxiety and Depression therapy
  • Relationship Therapy
  • Inner childhood therapy
  • Healing Vortex

So, don’t wait much; connect with Prriti Parmaar now and experience incredible healing with Moldavite.

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