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Signs of Narcissistic Personality: How Dangerous are They?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dubai

If someone says for fun, “Are you a narcissist?” we feel awkward. Isn’t it?

But why is that so?

If you’ve ever come in contact with a Narcissist? Did you have post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety by how Narcissists treated you?

If yes, then the best therapy for PTSD is an appropriate and safe solution to heal yourself from within.

You might have read our previous article on Narcissists ( and understood how these toxic people are.

Let me give you a gist on Narcissists again and then continue further to have more details.

Narcissists want admiration, are selfish, lack empathy, and treat others as inferiors.

People with narcissistic personalities have a mental disorder in which individuals carry a high sense of self-importance without any reason.

Narcissists are attention seeker; they want to make their presence felt among many individuals and fails to understand the pain of others even if they’ve hurt you.

Curious to know more about Narcissist Personalities? Continue with this fantastic write-up, and get the best know-how on narcissists.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality

  • Have a high sense of self-importance and require constant admiration.
  • Narcissists demand excessive privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect to be recognized as leaders and superior even without achievements.
  • Shows their fake personality as accurate, like achievements and talents seem more significant than they are.
  • They never want to face reality as their own story is real apart all are fake and dumb.
  • Constant feeding their EGO and judging people too much.
  • Don’t respect and be ruthless to those less than them.
  • Expect special favors and others to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Narcissists constantly manipulate others with a sense of fulfilling their desires.
  • Don’t respect and understand others’ feelings and how much they hurt others.
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
  • Behave arrogantly, and brag a lot.
  • Easy to get into trouble with their anger issues.
  • Get very quickly jealous of jealousy from others’ achievements.
  • Always fail with their commitment as they don’t respect other’s time.
  • They don’t know how to respect money as they don’t respect themselves and always drive with EGO.
  • React with anger or contempt and try to belittle other people to make them appear superior.
  • Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
  • They suffer from prolonged depression and anxiety.
  • For them, it’s hard to deal with stress, so they get into addiction, as it’s easy for them to hide behind curtains.
  • Withdraw from situations they might fail in.
  • They carry a mask of extreme confidence; they are unsure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
  • Have hidden feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation, and fear of being exposed as a failure, abandonment, childhood abuse

Narcissistic personality disorder treatment centers around talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy.

Being spiritual and healing people with their subconscious mind belief, sometimes it’s tough to help this kind of personality; first, they will not accept to take any therapy as their EGO, and their world is the best in their mind. Secondly, we can’t help them as their mind will not be able to take commands, and for them, letting go and forgiveness is not in their personality; they don’t like to change anything.

The best way to treat themselves is by taking a holistic approach, which will help them see their patterns, clearing karmic debts and past life regression. However, in my experience, they are the most crucial people to take anyone’s help. They have created their world.

If they do seek therapy, it’s more likely to be for symptoms of depression or addictions such as alcohol, drug misuse, or any other mental health problem. What they view as insults to self-esteem may make accepting and following through with treatment brutal.

How Dangerous Can Narcissists Be?

The trauma and pain caused by a narcissist stay for long.

A narcissistic personality is not necessarily dangerous, but if you trigger their ego and sense of self, it might lead to something awful.

Today, we’ll discuss the signs when a narcissist is dangerous. Noticing the points below may protect you from the toxic behavior of a narcissist.

  • Creating Conflict Unreasonably

Beware when a narcissist starts creating scenes or purposefully dig up old grievances; if these are the signs, then understand that narcissists want drama.

Narcissists love drama and conflicts, and they usually create a plan in their mind and work on it to make others feel sad, which they enjoy the most.

  • The Desires Overrule Emotions

Yeah, for a narcissist, their desires and wishes are way more than other’s emotions and even health.

If you reject their wishes, they might harm you. Narcissists are entirely selfish beings and never pay attention to what others feel if it’s about their desires.

So, narcissists can be dangerous when their desires are left unfulfilled, even for some valid reason, like the health and well-being of their partner.

  • Don’t Disrespect a Narcissist

Individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder remain overly vigilant about their self-respect. Insult, getting an adverse reaction from others, criticism, etc., can trigger anger, and they may become violent and aggressive.

The narcissists can sometimes become harmful, as they can cause physical or mental abuse. So, it’s better to stay away from a narcissistic personality.

If you’ve been a victim of a narcissistic personality and are suffering from severe troubles like PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, stress, etc., visit Prriti Parmaar, a mind-healing consultant at Light Angelic, and feel free to share your thoughts, and get your mind, body, and soul healedcomfortably.

Here are some techniques followed by Prriti Parmaar for healing the people from within,

  • Past Life Regression
  • New Moon Meditation
  • Full Moon Meditation
  • Eclipse Meditation
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Grounded Sea Meditation
  • Singing Sound Frequency Healing
  • Holistic Mind Healing
  • Reiki Balancing Chakras with Physical Pain
  • Rapid Transformation Therapy
  • Relationship Therapy
  • Inner childhood therapy
  • Healing Vortex

Connect with us now and wash out the pain you’ve experienced due to a narcissist abuse.

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